Thursday 1 January 2015

new year.

10.45 am
31 December, 2014 

a thought, written on an U-Bahn train while passing Hohenzollernplatz

What's the big deal about the New Year, anyway? This insignificant planet completes another tedious revolution around a burning yellow sphere, and we, in our dingy holes underground, atop our structures barely a fraction of the height of the great mountains, in our minuscule dwellings and trifling lives - we flash lights and blare music that we alone hear. We alone. Alcohol, our toxic creation, consumes our self-important being; we dance, we sing, we sleep.

And with the best resolutions which fade one day later, another sunrise begins, another revolution about the same burning ball, on the same tiny planet. And so on. Etc.

Oh, so I guess it would be customary to say it now. Happy New Year, guys.

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